End Captcha API

HTTP API technical details

Solving a CAPTCHA using End Captcha HTTP API requires performing at least the first two of the steps described below, or only the first step.

1) Uploading a CAPTCHA

To upload a CAPTCHA, issue a multipart/form-data POST request to http://api.endcaptcha.com/upload. The request must contain the following fields:

  • username - your End Captcha username.
  • password - your End Captcha password.
  • image - the CAPTCHA image.

image should be either raw CAPTCHA image file, or base64-encoded CAPTCHA image prepended with base64: prefix.

Here is the HTML form that does the trick:

    <form action="http://api.endcaptcha.com/upload" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="text" name="username" value="">
<input type="password" name="password" value="">
<input type="file" name="image">

Here is cURL command equivalent:

    curl --header 'Expect: ' -F username=YOUR_USERNAME \
-F password=YOUR_PASSWORD \

base64-encoded image field should look like this:


You'll get one of the following HTTP responses:

If your captcha was successfully decoded while you wait for the server response, you will get the solution. captcha solution
If your captcha was not successfully decoded while you wait for the server response, you will get.

Use the returned url or captcha id for know the captcha resolution status.
If your End Captcha credentials were rejected, you will get. ERROR:NOT AUTHENTICATED
If you don't have enough credits and should deposit funds, you will get. ERROR:NOT ENOUGH BALANCE
If your request was not following the specification above, or the CAPTCHA was rejected for not being a valid image, you will get. ERROR:NOT A VALID CAPTCHA
If our service is overloaded (usually around 3:00–6:00 PM EST), you will get. ERROR:SERVICE EXTREMELY LOADED
If something happened on our side preventing you from uploading the CAPTCHA, you will get. ERROR:UNSUCCESSFUL UPLOAD

If you are sure you're sending properly prepared requests, and your CAPTCHA images are valid, yet the problem persists, please contact our live support and tell them in details how to reproduce the issue.

1.1) Uploading a token captcha (recaptcha v2)

To upload a token captcha, issue a multipart/form-data POST request to http://api.endcaptcha.com/upload. The request must contain the following fields:

  • username - your End Captcha username.
  • password - your End Captcha password.
  • type - the type value, should be the number 4 for recaptcha v2 type.
  • token_params - a json string with the related recaptcha v2 data.

token_params data structure:

  • proxy: Proxy to be used while the token is solved. This info is optional.
  • proxytype: Proxy type, for now only http proxies are supported. This info is optional.
  • googlekey: The google recaptcha site key of the website with the recaptcha. For more details about the site key refer to What is a recaptcha site key?.
  • pageurl: The url of the page with the recaptcha challenges.

Example of token_params json string:

"proxy": "",
"proxytype": "HTTP",
"googlekey": "6Le-wvkSAAAAAPBMRTvw0Q4Muexq9bi0DJwx_mJ-",
"pageurl": "http://example.com/recaptcha_path"

Here is one example HTML form that does the trick:

    <form action="http://api.endcaptcha.com/upload" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="text" name="username" value="">
<input type="password" name="password" value="">
<input type="text" name="type" value="4">
<input type="text" name="token_params" placeholder="json token params" value='{
"proxy": "",
"proxytype": "",
"googlekey": "6LcTyP4SAAAAADBjv0TABENKwCOGOFe5H15-hd_4",
"pageurl": "http://skyrock.com"}' >

1.2) Uploading a reCAPTCHA v3

To upload a reCAPTCHA v3 captcha, issue a multipart/form-data POST request to http://api.endcaptcha.com/upload. The request must contain the following fields:

  • username - your End Captcha username.
  • password - your End Captcha password.
  • type - the type value, should be the number 5 for reCAPTCHA v3 type.
  • token_params - a json string with the related reCAPTCHA v3 data.

token_params data structure:

  • proxy: Proxy to be used while the token is solved. This info is optional.
  • proxytype: Proxy type, for now only http proxies are supported. This info is optional.
  • googlekey: The google recaptcha site key of the website with the recaptcha. For more details about the site key refer to What is a recaptcha site key?.
  • pageurl: The url of the page with the recaptcha challenges.
  • action: The reCAPTCHA v3 action name.
  • min_score: The reCAPTCHA v3 minimal score, usually 0.3.

Example of token_params json string:

"proxy": "",
"proxytype": "HTTP",
"googlekey": "6Le-wvkSAAAAAPBMRTvw0Q4Muexq9bi0DJwx_mJ-",
"pageurl": "http://example.com/recaptcha_path",
"action": "example/action",
"min_score": 0.3

Here is one example HTML form that does the trick:

    <form action="http://api.endcaptcha.com/upload" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="text" name="username" value="">
<input type="password" name="password" value="">
<input type="text" name="type" value="5">
<input type="text" name="token_params" placeholder="json token params" value='{
"proxy": "",
"proxytype": "",
"googlekey": "6LcTyP4SAAAAADBjv0TABENKwCOGOFe5H15-hd_4",
"pageurl": "http://skyrock.com",
"action": "example/action",
"min_score": 0.3}' >

1.3) Uploading a Funcaptcha

To upload a Funcaptcha, issue a multipart/form-data POST request to http://api.endcaptcha.com/upload. The request must contain the following fields:

  • username - your End Captcha username.
  • password - your End Captcha password.
  • type - the type value, should be the number 6 for Funcaptcha type.
  • funcaptcha_params - a json string with the related Funcaptcha data.

funcaptcha_params data structure:

  • proxy: Proxy to be used while the token is solved. This info is optional.
  • proxytype: Proxy type, for now only http proxies are supported. This info is optional.
  • publickey: The site key of the website with the Funcaptcha.
  • pageurl: The url of the page with the Funcaptcha challenges.

Example of funcaptcha_params json string:

"proxy": "",
"proxytype": "HTTP",
"publickey": "055EF0D7-51DC-83C5-3972-333539B47410",
"pageurl": "http://sample.com/funpage"

Here is one example HTML form that does the trick:

    <form action="http://api.endcaptcha.com/upload" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="text" name="username" value="">
<input type="password" name="password" value="">
<input type="text" name="type" value="6">
<input type="text" name="funcaptcha_params" placeholder="json funcaptcha params" value='{
"proxy": "",
"proxytype": "",
"publickey": "055EF0D7-51DC-83C5-3972-333539B47410",
"pageurl": "http://sample.com/funpage"}' >

1.4) Uploading a Hcaptcha

To upload a Hcaptcha, issue a multipart/form-data POST request to http://api.endcaptcha.com/upload. The request must contain the following fields:

  • username - your End Captcha username.
  • password - your End Captcha password.
  • type - the type value, should be the number 7 for Hcaptcha type.
  • hcaptcha_params - a json string with the related Hcaptcha data.

hcaptcha_params data structure:

  • proxy: Proxy to be used while the token is solved. This info is optional.
  • proxytype: Proxy type, for now only http proxies are supported. This info is optional.
  • sitekey: The site key of the website with the Hcaptcha.
  • pageurl: The url of the page with the Hcaptcha challenges.

Example of hcaptcha_params json string:

"proxy": "",
"proxytype": "HTTP",
"sitekey": "33489211-6c09-34c2-00e6-1763b63dcd8",
"pageurl": "http://sample.com/hpage"

Here is one example HTML form that does the trick:

    <form action="http://api.endcaptcha.com/upload" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="text" name="username" value="">
<input type="password" name="password" value="">
<input type="text" name="type" value="7">
<input type="text" name="hcaptcha_params" placeholder="json hcaptcha params" value='{
"proxy": "",
"proxytype": "",
"sitekey": "33489211-6c09-34c2-00e6-1763b63dcd8",
"pageurl": "http://sample.com/hpage"}' >

2) Polling for uploaded CAPTCHA status

To get an uploaded CAPTCHA status, issue a GET request to http://api.endcaptcha.com/poll/%CAPTCHA_ID%, where CAPTCHA_ID is your uploaded CAPTCHA ID acquired during the 1st step. You don't have to supply your End Captcha credentials this time.

You'll get one of the following HTTP responses:

If your captcha was already decoded, you will get the solution. captcha solution
If your captcha is not yet decoded, you will get. UNSOLVED_YET:/poll/captcha_id
If invalid captcha id is provided, you will get. ERROR:INCORRECT CAPTCHA ID

Please don't poll for a CAPTCHA status more than once every 3 seconds. This is considered abusive and might get you banned. Conserve your and our bandwidth.

3) Checking your credit balance

To check your credit balance, issue a POST request to http://api.endcaptcha.com/balance with the following fields:

  • username - your End Captcha username.
  • password - your End Captcha password.

On successful authentication, you'll get the balance in the HTTP response.

4) Reporting incorrectly solved CAPTCHAs

If you think your CAPTCHA was solved incorrectly, report it to End Captcha to get your money back. To do so, issue a POST request to http://api.endcaptcha.com/report with the following fields.

  • username - your End Captcha username.
  • password - your End Captcha password.
  • image - captcha image to report.

  • OR
  • hash - the hash of captcha image to report.

  • OR
  • captcha_id - the uploaded CAPTCHA ID acquired during the 1st step.

You'll get refunded if the CAPTCHA was uploaded less than an hour ago.

Abusing this feature will get you banned!

You'll get one of the following HTTP responses:

If the captcha reporting success, you will get. OK
If the captcha was already reported, you will get. ERROR:ALREADY REPORTED
If invalid captcha image or hash is provided, you will get. ERROR:INCORRECT IMAGE
If invalid captcha CAPTCHA_ID is provided, you will get. ERROR:INCORRECT CAPTCHA ID
If system cant find image with specified/calculated hash, you will get. ERROR:IMAGE NOT FOUND
If invalid credential is provided, you will get. ERROR:INVALD CREDENTIALS
If the captcha cant be reported yet (is not solved yet). ERROR:SOLVING, CANT REPORT

API Tunneler

This tool allows other softwares use End Captcha services for decoding, by tunneling the captchas flow to End Captcha servers.

To change your hosts file automatically using API Tunneler:


Token Image API FAQ:

Q: What is a recaptcha site key?
A: This is a unique identifier Google assigns to each website that uses the recaptcha service. To find the site key, follow these steps:

Sign Up

Create Account

Already have an account? please
Terms Of Services

Terms of Services

EndCaptcha Terms of Service:

EndCaptcha is a Data Entry Company that focuses on fast and reliable conversion of Images to Text and general digitization. Any use of the service for activities that are deemed illegal is strictly prohibited.

EndCaptcha is not responsible for the actions of its clients. Any complaint about any particular EndCaptcha client should be reported to abuse@endcaptcha.com. EndCaptcha reserves the right to suspend its clients' account if, through an abuse@endcaptcha.com report, gets hold of undeniable proof that the client is engaging in illicit activities.

EndCaptcha reserves the right to change at any time its Terms of Service, prices of packages, Service Level Agreement conditions and compensation, and Unsupported Images without prior notice.

Unsupported Activities:

EndCaptcha reserves the right to terminate any client account without notice if, by its sole judgement, EndCaptcha determines that the client is engaged in activities that negatively affect service levels. Examples of these harmful activities are:
- Using EndCaptcha's API in ways that negatively affects the operation of the service
- Constantly submitting images that are unreadable
- Exploiting in any way the Service Level Agreement compensation
- Exploiting the service function used to claim images as incorrectly solved

Ownership of an EndCaptcha account:

All accounts created in EndCaptcha remain as sole property of EndCaptcha, and its parent company. Sharing account details, selling and reselling accounts, and selling awarded coupons is prohibited. Violation of this policy will result in account suspension.

Service Level Agreement:

Even though customers may submit Unsupported Images, and EndCaptcha will do it’s best effort to solve said images in a timely fashion, the Service Level Agreement won't cover any Unsupported Images and won't be available during dates included in the Maintenance and Holidays Calendar. EndCaptcha reserves the right to include Unsupported Images at any time without previous notice.

Additional information about the types of insurances provided in the Service Level Agreement may be found here.

Refunds and Chargebacks:

Any fulfilled claims for chargebacks before consulting our helpdesk will result in an immediate suspension of the clients account and appropriate legal action (fraud).

Refunds are processed in a case-by-case basis. We will not award refunds if:
- The client is unsatisfied with the results obtained when submitting Unsupported Images.
- The client has partially used the service and has no use for remaining balance in the client's account.
- The client was unaware of any explicitly written service constraints before making a purchase.

If a refund is awarded, the client will receive funds equivalent to the remaining credit balance in the client's account.

Maintenance and Holidays Calendar

Maintenance and Holidays Calendar

Although we will try our best to keep maintenance and undercapacity occurrences to a minimum, there will be rare occasions in which these events will be unavoidable, and thus not covered by the Insurances of our Service Level Agreement. The Maintenance and Holidays Calendar will show the foreseeable events of diminished Quality of Service.

Event Description Date Duration
Unsupported Images

Unsupported Images

The following images can be solved by our team of workers, but are not insured by the Slowness Insurance. These images are usually unreadable, math problems, or have a lengthy amount of characters. The same exception applies for the Recaptcha V2 challenges. Due to their complexity, are not eligible for Slowness Insurance

Recaptcha V2 Fast Solving Service Recaptcha Invisible Decoding Solution
Hcaptcha Solver Funcaptcha Bypass Service
Refunds and Chargebacks

Refunds and Chargebacks

Any fulfilled claims for chargebacks before consulting our helpdesk will result in an immediate suspension of the clients account and appropriate legal action (fraud).

Refunds are processed in a case-by-case basis. We will not award refunds if:
- The client is unsatisfied with the results obtained when submitting Unsupported Images.
- The client has partially used the service and has no use for remaining balance in the client's account.
- The client was unaware of any explicitly written service constraints before making a purchase.

If a refund is awarded, the client will receive funds equivalent to the remaining credit balance in the client's account.

Service Level Agreement

Service Level Agreement

EndCaptcha offers a unique Service Level Agreement that compensates its users when there is a drop in Quality Standards.

About Compensation

Users will be compensated with Compensatory Credits, which will be deposited once the currently used Credit Package has been consumed. The amount of Compensatory Credits will be calculated depending on the type of Insurance and the Compensation Coverage Level of the currently used package.

Compensatory Credits, Promotional Credits, and Free Credits won't be subject to the terms of the Service Level Agreement and its insurances.

Compensation Coverage Level

The user will be given a Slowness Insurance and an Outage Insurance. These types of insurances will provide compensation to users whenever certain Quality Standards are not met. There will be different Compensation Coverage Levels depending on what Credit Package was bought. The amount of Compensatory Credits will be the result of multiplying the Compensation Coverage Level percentage with the amount of quantifiable times the Quality Standards are not met.

Slowness Insurance

*Approximately 70% of all images are decoded with-in 7-8 seconds on average. The remainder is also guaranteed to be decoded with-in 11 seconds max. For any images that take longer than 11 seconds to solve, our slowness insurance policies kick in.

The Slowness Insurance will provide compensation to EndCaptcha users for images that are getting typed in more than 11 seconds. The compensation will be calculated on an Image-by-image basis.

Example Case:
Compensation Level: 60% Coverage
Images over 11 seconds: 2,000
Compensation Credits: 1,200

The Slowness Insurance won't cover Unsupported Images, and is not applicable during the time ranges included in the Maintenance and Holidays Calendar.

Outage Insurance

The Outage Insurance will provide compensation to EndCaptcha users when the service suffers from an unexpected outage that renders the service partially or completely unresponsive. The Outage Insurance will only cover cases of registered server problems on EndCaptcha's side, it will not cover issues in the user's side or connectivity problems between the user and EndCaptcha.

The Outage Insurance will only compensate credits in accordance with the usual activity of the users during the event. The usual activity of the user will be determined by the average past submissions made by the user during the weekday and time of the outage event.

Example Case:
Compensation Level: 100% Coverage
Usual Activity During Event: 2,000 Images
Compensation Credits: 2,000 Images

The Outage Insurance will be evaluated on a case by case basis whenever the user opens an outage claim at outage@endcaptcha.com. For outage claims to be valid, they have to be opened with-in 72 hours of the outage occurring.

The Outage Insurance is not applicable during the Maintenance time ranges included in the Maintenance and Holidays Calendar, which have been announced a minimum of 12 hours in advance. The Outage Insurance is not applicable when deliberate attacks to our service are made.

EndCaptcha reserves the right to change its Service Level Agreement without prior notice.